Monday, June 30, 2008

Rumor #2


AMERICA, U.S. The United States of America, born in 1776, died today after a long and painful illness. At the time of its birth, it was hailed as a “source of hope and inspiration” for all people who yearned for the freedom to live, work, worship and play in peace. After centuries of abuse by corrupt and evil men and women in many lands, America was born to enable those who had evolved beyond the evils of egotism and materialism to establish a system of justice, peace and freedom for all who live or who come here.

Unfortunately, the diseases of hatred, bigotry, materialism, jealousy and self-aggrandizement crept back in, as in seemingly all cultures since the dawn of recorded history. As it entered the final stages of the terrible diseases ravaging its body, poor America was in total denial of its impending death, and its poor, sick body was in apathy to the convulsions that were shaking it.

America is survived by women and men who mourn its loss, those who tried to help it survive despite the evil and apathy of the many. Funeral arrangements are incomplete.

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