Monday, June 30, 2008

Rumor #1

Catholic Hierarchy Denies Existence of God
APT – It was revealed today by a secret source of the Vatican that the mainstream hierarchy of the Catholic Church does not believe in God or Jesus Christ. Apparently those clergy who have adopted a “humanistic Catholic” view, much like humanistic Judaism, have taken the reins of the venerable and old institution. While most of the faithful Catholics, who comprise the Church, still believe along with some bishops and many priests, it can no longer be kept a secret that the leaders do not. Many of the church members were continually asking why the Pope and Cardinals behave like wealthy royalty rather than humble servants like Jesus Christ asks of them. They also question the secrecy of the disposal of wealth “for the good of the Church”.
It would appear that they continue to operate from the premise that their “governance” provides a framework for promoting peace and encouraging the “need to worship” that anthropologists have long cited as being inherent in the human make-up. By continuing to promulgate “belief” in the teachings of Jesus Christ, and claiming ultimate authority in all things Christian, they have used fear of damnation, as though they controlled God, while not really believing in it for themselves. In reality, their structure very much resembles that of corporate America, which is built on greed, power and self-aggrandizement.
It would seem that some bishops, many priests and laypeople are aware of this situation, and have been trying to counteract and change the corruption of the original institution, but have not been very successful. Historically, Martin Luther attempted and failed, causing only a schism and new sects of Christianity.
Many people think that with this recent revelation, perhaps things will take a different turn, if Catholics have the courage to stand up against this corruption and demand adherence to the teachings of the Gospel by word and example. Most people seem amazed that Catholics have endured this dualism for so long.

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